I love this photo my son captured of me few weeks ago. It shows well how growing from seeds takes over the kitchen during this season. The winter wasn’t as harsh as last year and the first weeks of springs were pretty good. However, there were windy and cold periods in May, absolutely horrid. Living […]

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Those who grow their own veggies and fruit know the ecstatic feeling at the peak of harvesting time. August! Day after day your tastebuds are about to explode with happiness from fresh and healthy vegetable. There’s noting like it. There are some moments of disappointment as well of course and some surprises. Here’s a flood […]

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Ingredients 1/2 cucumber chunk of ginger – how big depends on how strong you like the drink to be 6-8 celery stalks water Method Wash and prep veggies. Put everything through juicer in the order listed. Drink it as shots or add 1 and half a glass water if you prefer it as juice. This […]

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The summer is over! At least here in Iceland. It had a really nice start with sunny May and first weeks of June. However, the rest the summer was cold and the sun was hiding for the most part until in the third week of this month, when it also got slightly warmer for a […]

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An update on how things are coming along in the greenhouse and garden is long overdue. Reason is I spend more time tending to my plants these days than writing. To cut a long story short everything is going splendidly. It’s only mid July but I already have homegrown salad, cucumbers, sugar snaps, spinach, kale […]

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Growing veggies and flowers at home is going a lot better this year because May was exceptionally sunny. Looking at photos from the same time last year I can see that everything is about the same now, on June 5th, as it was a month later in 2021. However, it’s not only the weather to […]

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I figured I would enjoy having a greenhouse in the springtime and it didn’t disappoint me. Around April 22 there was this crazy kitchen party going on in my flat. So I bought an electric oven for the greenhouse, started pricking out, and the plants have been thriving well there ever since. I’m crossing my […]

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Ingredients 120 g celery 400 g celery root  500 g sweet potatoes 400 g pumpkin 300 g carrots 300 g cauliflower 1 big red onion  1 big onion 8 garlic cloves 2 tbsp fresh ginger, finely chopped 2 red chilli 1 tin chickpeas   3 tins chopped tomatoes, organic 100 g chestnut mushrooms (optional) 50 […]

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Ingredients 2 large salad leaves (your favourite kind) 1/2 avocado 1/2 carrot 1/2 red pepper 1/2 celery stalk 1 handful of spinach sprouts  vegan mayonnaise with Indian curry powder Method Make the vegan mayo according to instructions you find HERE. Add 1-2 tsp of curry powder, a pinch of salt and a fair amount of […]

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I started and ended each day in the greenhouse during summer. Plants wither and most of my leafy green friends are now hibernating. For me the change was challenging. I felt like I was betraying my plants by not popping out to see them few times a day. However, lots of nice things have happened […]

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