All I Want for Christmas

Christmas gifts ideas are all over the media in December. Gadgets that costs a fortune, or products from designer brands that cost a month’s salary for normal people. Ideas that make me roll my eyes like a teenager.

However, I know it only too well to be out of ideas when it comes to Christmas presents, so here’s a list.

  1. The perfect Christmas present this year is from Unicef.  INSPIRED GIFS. Whether it’s a life saving vaccine, warm clothing, educational packet, or food, you’re helping.
  2. In 2008 my family decided to start supporting an SOS child instead of giving Christmas presents. One of our best decisions. Little Akile was two years old at the time, and ever since it’s been a privilege to watch her grow into a kind and talented young lady.
  3. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to give something you can touch and wrap. Homemade presents are usually well received. Last year I made a parcel including a sugarless jam, pickled veggies and a marmalade for everyone. They loved it. It’s also possible to give homemade candy or cookies.
  4. Homemade presents do not have to be edible. I’m extremely fond of gifts that were made specially for me and smile when I put them on the Christmas tree every year. Like the perler bead Santa my son made for me when he was six, or the button Christmas tree my yoga teacher gifted me last year. If you don’t like to make things yourself, you can ask your children or grandchildren to help, or buy art and crafts at Christmas markets.
  5. I recommend going to Charity shops. There are so many nice things you can buy in shops like Save the Children’s Mary’s Living and giving, Red Cross and Cancer Research to name a few.
  6. BOOKS! In Iceland we have a tradition of giving books for Christmas. One of my favourite Christmas traditions. You can also buy Cinema tickets, or tickets for a concert or a play without going broke.
  7. Collecting art. When artists and designers are starting out one can often find something nice without going bankrupt. I must admit it is nice to buy more expensive art too if you can afford it. Artists often work without a proper salary for years before their career  takes off, so it’s nice to support them anyway. Life would be dull without art.
  8. Quality time with you is a precious Christmas present. You know best what your family likes to do, so making a gift voucher for such moment is a nice present.
  9. In recent years I’ve given young women in my family vintage jewelry and clutches I’ve had for many years and noticed they like. It’s a personal present and a lovely experience.
  10. This idea is an aunt to number 4. Not all people like cooking or making crafts, but might choose to do something else instead. Like write a poetry or a short story, record a song, draw or paint. Getting a creation from those you love is always precious.

I’ve collected pottery from an artist called Margret Jonsdottir since the eighties. Getting a new one always makes me really happy.

I hope the list will help you! Enjoy the lovely advent 🙂

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