Few months ago I decided to have salad for lunch every day of the week, or at least as often as I could. The challenge was having as many types of plants as possible each week. Two weeks in I noticed I had more energy already and now it’s no turning back. This is doing […]

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Ingredients 1/2 cucumber chunk of ginger – how big depends on how strong you like the drink to be 6-8 celery stalks water Method Wash and prep veggies. Put everything through juicer in the order listed. Drink it as shots or add 1 and half a glass water if you prefer it as juice. This […]

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My Christmas present to you is this healthy and beautiful Christmas wreath. It’s a nice starter for the Christmas table, as the main is often on the heavier side. Next year you might as well use the same ingredients and have it as a main.  I wish you all a delightful and delicious Christmas! ✨🎄✨ […]

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The summer is over! At least here in Iceland. It had a really nice start with sunny May and first weeks of June. However, the rest the summer was cold and the sun was hiding for the most part until in the third week of this month, when it also got slightly warmer for a […]

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Ingredients 1/2 cucumber 1/2 red apple chunk of ginger – how big depends on how strong you like the drink to be 2-3 celery stalks 4 big carrots water Method Wash and prep veggies. Put everything through juicer in the order listed. Add water if you like. This website and all its content is owned […]

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August is a wonderful month for those growing their own vegetables. I harvested this in one day. There’s broccoli, beetroot, celery and Lollo Bionda lettuce from the grow boxes, and cucumbers, tomatoes, courgette, sugar snaps and herbs from the greenhouse. You might notice two strawberries as well, but they somehow ended in my mouth before […]

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To be honest I don’t have a clue as to the reasons behind flowers and plants thriving in my care. My methods are definitely not scientific, but I read up on things and try my best. I talk to the plants a lot and sing to them. The other day a friend asked me if […]

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