Sprouts are extremely nutritious and good for your health. They can be used in number of ways, but most often you see them as a decoration for a salad or an open sandwich. However, the possibilities are endless.
As the radish sprouts are nice and spicy I decided to use them as a substitute for cilantro in tomato salsa. I added radishes and cucumber to the salsa as well and it went down a treat.
2 handfuls of radish sprouts
4 big tomatoes
1/2 cucumber
6 radishes
1 tbsp red onion
1 garlic clove
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp juice from a lemon
salt and black pepper to taste
Remove the pulp from the tomatoes. No need to throw it away, you can keep it and add to a sauce another day. Cut the tomatoes to small cubes. Peel and deseed the cucumber and cut to small cubes. Peel the red onion and garlic and chop finely. Slice the radishes thinly.
Blend all of this in a bowl. Add oil, the juice from the lemon, salt and black pepper, and half of the sprouts, and mix well. You can add more garlic and/or lemon juice if you like.
Decorate with the rest of the radish sprouts.
It’s nice to add the salsa to green salads, serve it as a side dish for vegan hot pots or fish. But you can also just eat it straight from the bowl 🙂
Talking about sprouts, I also tried adding a good handful of leek sprouts to a leftover of the Pumpkin soup I made the other day. It was really tasty, not to mention the health benefits.
The tomato salsa recipe it sponsored by Ecospira and Filippo Berio. You can read more about sprouts HERE.
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