I love this photo my son captured of me few weeks ago. It shows well how growing from seeds takes over the kitchen during this season. The winter wasn’t as harsh as last year and the first weeks of springs were pretty good. However, there were windy and cold periods in May, absolutely horrid. Living […]

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Those who grow their own veggies and fruit know the ecstatic feeling at the peak of harvesting time. August! Day after day your tastebuds are about to explode with happiness from fresh and healthy vegetable. There’s noting like it. There are some moments of disappointment as well of course and some surprises. Here’s a flood […]

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After a terribly cold and wet weather until early July we finally got some summer. The veggies and flowers were in poor condition, but became incredibly happy when the sun finally decided to grace us with its presence. I could literally see a difference from day to day. Lots of trees and plants in the […]

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Whenever I enter my greenhouse there are dozens of these delicious fruits waiting for me 😋 Most of them don’t ever land on a plate, instead they go straight into my mouth. Guests love them too, especially my 16 month old granddaughter 🍓 Ingredients strawberries 1/3 cup pecans 1/3 cup cashew nuts 1/4 cup gluten-free […]

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Growing veggies and flowers at home is going a lot better this year because May was exceptionally sunny. Looking at photos from the same time last year I can see that everything is about the same now, on June 5th, as it was a month later in 2021. However, it’s not only the weather to […]

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“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” -T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land. One could think he was writing about Iceland. It’s the 5th of April and it’s snowing yet again. Frosty nights are forecast throughout the week. Half a month […]

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Whilst writing this the first autumnal storm is raging outside my window. Orange weather warning. I can’t go walking, cause a small person like me is at risk to fly Mary Popping style. Besides, I don’t want to get hit by a trampoline. In other countries this would be considered a winter weather. During weekend […]

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For me, as a beginner of growing veggies, August was the best month of the summer. It was a tad warmer and sunnier than in June and July, so eventually the tomatoes started blushing. On the photo below you can see the harvest from one day. Happy days! Broccoli, beetroot, celery and Lollo Bionda lettuce […]

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August is a wonderful month for those growing their own vegetables. I harvested this in one day. There’s broccoli, beetroot, celery and Lollo Bionda lettuce from the grow boxes, and cucumbers, tomatoes, courgette, sugar snaps and herbs from the greenhouse. You might notice two strawberries as well, but they somehow ended in my mouth before […]

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