One shitty summer

The summer in South West Iceland was wet, cold and windy. We even had a record number of orange weather warnings! I’m just surprised to have been able to grow anything at all. Harvest wasn’t as good as recent years though.

Fortunately there were many plants that made me happy and I’m showing you photos of them to start with. The dahlias were super nice, blooming the whole summer. Their flowers are always gorgeous. Same with the beautiful nasturtium. I grew far too many from seeds, so even if I gave a lot of them to friends and family the greenhouse and garden was crowded with them.

The bees loved them and were frequent guests in the greenhouse. They made me and the plants happy!

On to the strawberries. The classic strawberries didn’t like the lack of sun, but the wild ones thrived and produced a whole lot! I’m still picking some mid October.

Those delicious explosions of flavour are favourites of mine!

Beans were in their element as well, lots to pick each and every day during the summer.

Same can be said about lettuce and kale. I was surprised by how well they did in the grow boxes, despite constant rain and lack of sunshine.

Herbs were in good spirits, lots of parsley for example.

Thyme has become huge. It was outside during the summer, but now in the greenhouse. Will be fine there for some time, but when it starts to freeze I’ll just dry some of it and keep the rest in the freezer.

However, this is the first summer I don’t get proper celery. Such a shame. The stalks were far too slim.

Only got a few tomatoes and hardly any cucumbers.

Not nearly as much of potatoes as last year, but at least we got some. The garlic was nice!

Svana (Rhapsody in Blue) bloomed beautifully mid summer, but towards the end of August it got some bugs so I cut it down. The September sun has completely confused the poor thing cause now she thinks it’s spring. Hope she’ll survive it.

These photos were taken mid summer. On one of few sunny days.

Even though the harvest wasn’t as good as the last three years it’s always a wonderful feeling to have homegrown food. The taste of pride is lovely. On this plate everything apart from the fish and butter is from the greenhouse and garden. Potatoes, salad, tomatos, beens, garlic and herbs.

Now the greenhouse is looking rather empty, I’ve put the pots with the new strawberry plants in the bed where the beens grew. It’s beautiful when the strawberry plants turn colours.

Next up winter. Meanwhile I’ll just look forward to the spring 🌸

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