What’s nicer on a hot and sunny day then enjoying a glass of lemonade. This one doesn’t have any sugar in it, so that’s even better! 🍋 Ingredients 1 l sparkling water 1/2 – 1 lemon 8 drops vanilla stevia, from Good Good a few mint leaves Method Squeeze the lemon into a big jar. […]

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I’m getting loads of lovely cucumbers from the plants in the greenhouse already. Sugar snaps and strawberries too. Hummus goes well with sliced veggies and you can simply use those you like. Dipping my freshly picked cocktail cucumbers in hummus was perfect, but carrots, radishes and bell peppers are nice too. Just to name a […]

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While living in London I learned eating seasonably. I loved looking forward to newly harvested asparagus in the spring, followed by the cherry season and then delicious, fresh strawberries. In the autumn I looked forward to the various types of pumpkins. Even if it’s possible to buy asparagus all year round it’s best in the […]

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I’m guessing Sophia Loren would get dizzy if she found out about my experiment with her famous lemon pasta recipe. However, her own words inspired me to do this;  ‘never be a slave to recipes, try, taste, modify, incorporate local ingredients, use family favourites, wonder out loud…’  Sophia probably didn’t expect someone to change her […]

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HAPPY EASTER Shells Ingredients 2 cups almond flour 1/2 cup tapioca 1/2 bolli rice flour 2 tbsp melted coconut oil 25 g vegan butter, preferably a block from Naturli 1 egg or 1 chia egg (1 tbsp ground chia seeds and 2 tbsp water) 1/2 tsp salt 1-3 tbsp water (if needed) Method Preheat the […]

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smálúða með dilli kapers og sítrónu 1

Ingredients 400 g halibut (small) 2 tbsp chopped dill 2 tbsp capers 3 garlic cloves 1/2 – 1 lemon (and more to serve with the dish) salt and black pepper 25 g vegan butter (preferably block from Naturli) olive oil Method Peel the garlic and grate it. Chop the dill.  Clean and rinse the halibut […]

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Last recipe of the year is an old fashioned one, yet with a slightly modern twist. Thanks for cheering me on in 2021 and for being wonderful. Wishing you all a happy, healthy New Year! 🙂 Ingredients 200 g prawns lettuce  2 tomatoes 1/2 lemon parsley vegan Marie Rose Method Cut the tomatoes into small […]

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When publishing a cookie recipe the other day I promised to give you a recipe of a lemon curd you can use as a filling instead of the jam. It was my daughter in law’s idea and those are now my favourite cookies. I added a bit of chopped nuts on top, and it made […]

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