Ingredients 1 can chickpeas, organic 1 tbsp olive oil 1 and 1/2 tbsp garlic powder, from Mabrúka 1 tbsp cumin, from Mabrúka 1/2-1 tsp chilli powder pinch of salt and lots of black pepper OR 1 tsp chilli flakes 1 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper pinch of salt and lots of black pepper Method […]

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I’d been joking about it on Facebook that I wanted to develop a loaf called Bread Pitt. When I got this drawing of me for Christmas I just had to make it happen. After a lot of mistakes and many loafs that didn’t rise here it is at last, the one and only Bread Pitt. […]

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Ingredients 4-500 g artic char fillets, bone- and skinless olive oil 2 tbsp vegan butter, f.ex. from Naturli 2 tbsp Fish Seasoning, from Mabruka 1 tbsp Lemon Mix, from Mabruka 1 tbsp Garlic Powder, from Mabruka salt and black pepper (if you are using the Mabruka seasoning you only need a tiny tad cause the […]

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Ingredients 400 g tofu Herb oil Ingredients 300 ml olive oil 6 tbsp fresh herbs, finely chopped (I used parsley, coriander, basil, chives and a tiny bit of rosemary, but which herbs you use is optional) 1 tsp Grænmetisblanda seasoning, from Mabruka (if you don’t live in Iceland you can use some nice veggie seasoning) […]

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Ingredients 600 g cod fillets 10 cherry tomatoes 1 fennel 1 handful of sugar snaps 5-6 mushrooms 5 small peppers 2 tbsp Fiskikrydd (Fish Seasoning) from Mabrúka (possible to order from their website) 1 tbsp Sítrónukrydd (Lemon mix) from Mabrúka (possible to order from their website) 2 tbsp olive oil salt and black pepper  basil […]

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