Few months ago I decided to have salad for lunch every day of the week, or at least as often as I could. The challenge was having as many types of plants as possible each week. Two weeks in I noticed I had more energy already and now it’s no turning back. This is doing […]

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 Ingredients 40 g 85 – 100% chocolate, no added sugar 8 drops caramel stevia, from Good Good  1 package (300 g) silken tofu 1/2 cup whippable cream, from Oatly 1 tsk pure vanilla powder pinch of salt   Method Take the silken tofu out of the fridge and put in a sieve to drain the […]

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Don’t play with your food! I’m guessing you sometimes heard this as a kid. Thing is I’ve never stopped playing with my food 😄 I love decorating so it made me really happy when I heard of a something called colour bombs, produced by an innovative woman called Tobba Marinos. Time to play! 🥳 To […]

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An update on how things are coming along in the greenhouse and garden is long overdue. Reason is I spend more time tending to my plants these days than writing. To cut a long story short everything is going splendidly. It’s only mid July but I already have homegrown salad, cucumbers, sugar snaps, spinach, kale […]

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