100 g strawberries
1 cup mixed nuts, f.ex. cashews, almonds and pecan
25 g vegan butter
1/2 tsp yacun syrup
1 can coconut milk, the solid part on top as well as a bit of the liquid
pinch of salt (I use a bit of black pepper as well, but that’s optional)

Rinse the strawberries under cold water and remove the green top stems. Cut them into quarters, but leave a few whole for decoration.
Chop the nuts finely, using a blender or a sharp kitchen knife.
Warm the butter in a skillet, add the nut mix and toss to coat. Season and let it cool.
Once the blend is cool mix in the yacun syrup. It binds it somewhat together. The syrup is optional, you can skip it or use more if you like.
Yacun syrup doesn’t crystalise and turn to sugar unless it’s heated. That’s why it’s important to cool the nut mix before adding in the yacun syrup.
Whip the coconut cream. If you’re not used to doing it follow these instructions!
Put the nut mix on a small plate or in a dessert bowl, then add strawberries and lastly a splash of whipped coconut cream. Decorate with a whole strawberry and a bit of nut mix.
But if you’re not in the mood to be fancy simply mix everything in a bowl and enjoy! 🙂

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