Stuffed sweet potatoes


2 sweet potatoes

200 g broccoli

200 g cauliflower

6 garlic cloves

1/2 chilli 


1 can cannellini beans

2 tbsp olive oil

olive oil for frying

salt and black pepper


Bake the potatoes for an hour on 200°C. Meanwhile, make the filling.

I baked one extra sweet potato, just in case I needed it, hence 3 potatoes on the photo.

Cut the broccoli and cauliflower into rather small florets. Chop the garlic, chilli and cilantro. Fry everything for a bit in a big skillet. Add the cannellini beans and cilantro towards the end.

Take the potatoes out of the oven and cut one of them in halves. Scoop most of the flesh out of the skin and add to a bowl. However, make sure to leave a bit of flesh, otherwise the potato skin can fall apart when adding the filling. Remove the skin from the other potato and add the flesh to the bowl. Mash the sweet potatoes with 2 tbsp of olive oil. You can replace the olive oil with vegan butter if you like.

Add the potato mash to the the veggie and beans in the skillet and mix well. 

Fill the sweet potato halves with the mixture. You can grate some vegan cheese over or garnish with cilantro and chilli. 

If you like it’s also possible add a lot of cheese and put them under a grill for a few minutes, or until the cheese has melted. 

It’s also nice to grate some vegan parmesan over, without putting it under the grill.

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