Start by boiling the noodles, then make the dressing and after that stir fry the veggies and mung bean sprouts. The dish is lovely just like that, but those who love fish can add cod.
170 g rice noodles (weight of noodles before cooking)
Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package, drain and set aside.
200 g olive oil (not extra virgin)
20 g sesame oil
1 lemon, the juice
1 msk lemon mix seasoning, from Mabruka
50 g shallots
30 g spring onion,
40 g ginger, chopped
2-3 garlic cloves
1/2-1 chilli
10 g coriander, fresh
1 tsp sesame seeds
pinch of salt

Peel and chop ginger, garlic, shallots, spring onion and chilli. Deseed the chilli if you don’t like the dressing hot. You can also skip the chilli and/or coriander if you wish.
Add everything to a blender or a food processor and let it run until the dressing doesn’t have big lumps in it. Doesn’t have to be really smooth though.
Stir fry veggies with mung bean sprout mix
1 red pepper
150 g tenderstem broccoli
170 g carrots
70 g shallots
100 g mini Pak Choi
80-100 g Protein mix from Ecospira, (mung-,lentils- og fenugreeksprouts)
This is something we can buy fresh in Iceland, but if you are not there you can substitute it with mung bean sprouts.
Cut shallots, carrots and red peppers julienne style.
Fry on a hot skillet with some dressing. When it’s become a tad softer add the bean sprouts. Mix well and fry a bit longer.
Then add the tenderstem broccoli and in about 1-2 minutes the Pak Choi. It only needs a moment in the skillet. Add more dressing to taste.
600 g cod
olive oil
2-3 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp Lemon mix seasoning, from Mabruka

Preheat the oven grill
Cut the cod into pieces. Mix the sesame seeds and the Lemon mix seasoning from Mabruka. Skin, debone and cut the fish fillets into pieces. Pat them with a paper towel until dry. Rub the fish with oil and roll it on the seed mix, covering the fish completely and pressing lightly to adhere.
Arrange the fish in an ovenproof dish and put under the grill for about 5-7 minutes. Let it sit for a bit before serving.
Add the noodles to the veggies on the skillet and add more dressing if needed. If you want the fish as well it’s nice to arrange that on top.
This recipe is sponsored by Ecospira and Mabruka.
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