Rhubarb tart  

Tart shells


2 cups almond flour

1/2 cup tapioca

1/2 bolli rice flour

2 tbsp melted coconut oil

25 g vegan butter

1 egg or 1 chia egg (1 tbsp ground chia seeds and 2 tbsp water)

1/2 tsp salt

1-3 tbsp water (if needed)


Preheat the oven to 170°C 

Melt the coconut oil and let it cool down a bit.

Grease the baking pans (or a baking pan) with coconut oil. Use it sparingly.

Sieve the almond flour, tapioca and rice flour into a bowl. Add in the salt and mix well. 

Whisk the melted coconut oil into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Finally add in the egg (or chia egg that’s set for 5 minutes) and butter in small cubes. Rub it together with your hands, same way you would with a typical tart shell pastry. However, doing this is a bit more challenging and you might have to add some water, especially if using chia egg. 

When baking one big tart, roll the pastry out between two sheets of baking parchment. 

Otherwise, divide the pastry into baking pans and press down with your fingers. The shells should be thin.

Bake for 16 minutes on 170 degrees. 

Fill the shells with layers of vanilla custardwhipped coconut cream and rhubarb compote. Cherry season is almost over, but earlier this summer I made a tart with whipped coconut cream, cherry compote and diced mango. It was really tasty. 

Rhubarb compote


1 cup rhubarb, cut in small cubes

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp water

5 strawberries, cut in small cubes


Boil everything in a small saucepan for about 5 minutes, or until the rhubarb has become soft, but you can still see the form of the cubes. It’s a matter of taste though how much you boil it, if you prefer it to become almost jam like, that’s alright too. You can substitute the strawberries with 1 tbsp of stevia powder or ten drops stevia or monk fruit.

Cherry compote


1 and 1/2 cup deseeded cherries

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp water

1 tbsp stevia powder or 10 drops stevia or monk fruit


Boil everything in a small saucepan for 7-10 minutes or until it has the texture to your liking. 

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