Plaice roll-ups with spinach, carrots and sprouts


500 g plaice fillets, skin- and boneless

a good handful of spinach 

100 g carrots, cut julienne

3 tbsp tzatziki spice mix

salt and black pepper

olive oil

The recipe is sponsored by Hafid and Ecospira.


Cut the carrots julienne.

Fry the carrots on a skillet for a bit, and add the spinach towards the end. It only needs a very short time to become soft, but make sure it doesn’t turn mushy. Season with salt and black pepper.

Sprinkle the tzatziki seasoning, salt and black pepper on a tray. Make sure it covers the bottom.

Halve the fillets lengthways and spread a bit of olive oil on the side where skin used to be. Place that side on the tray with the tzatziki blend and make sure the side is covered with spice. 

Arrange the carrots and spinach on the fillet (on the side that hasn’t got spice on it) and roll up the fillet. Do the same with the rest of the fillets.

Grease a pan (or an oven safe pot) and arrange the plaice rolls on the bottom. Put the lid on and keep it that way.

Steam the plaice rolls on very low heat for about 5-7 minutes. Check how it’s going and steam longer if needed. 

It’s nice to serve it with either rice or potato- veggie- or sweet potato mash. Nice sprouts give a good crunch and elevate the experience.

The recipe is sponsored by Hafid and Ecospira.

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