Herb dressing


130 g olive oil

1-2 limes, the juice

2 garlic cloves

1/4 red onion

a good handful of cilantro (can be replaced by parsley)

a good handful of basil

a good handful of parsley

a few leaves of mint, how much is a matter of taste

pinch of sea salt

black pepper

The recipe is sponsored by VAXA.


Peel the garlic and onion. Put everything in a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth.

You can use the dressing in many different ways.

Here it’s in a warm potato salad. Garnished with micro greens from VAXA.

It’s also nice as a sauce for green salad, pasta or even fish.

Can be delicious as a dip for raw or grilled veggies too.

The recipe is sponsored by VAXA.

This website and all its content is owned by Sigridur Petursdottir. The recipes on PurelySigga.com are for personal use only. It’s prohibited for restaurants, coffee shops, bistros, catering services and food production companies to use them without a written permission from the owner. Without such a permission you can’t either republish, copy, change, download or reproduce any recipe or photo on PurelySigga.com