300 g cauliflower
300 g broccoli
200 g small potatoes
200 g celeriac
1 pepper
2 thyme stems
1 can butter beans
olive oil, for frying
salt and black pepper
Wash and strain the liquid from the butter beans.
Divide the cauliflower and broccoli into rather large florets, as shown on the photo. Cut the celeriac into cubes, (each side about 3 cm) the pepper coarsely, and each potato in four parts.
Use a large ovenproof casserole. On the stove fry one type of veggies at the time. Not for long, just a couple of minutes. Fry the thyme stems with each one, just remove it when you’ve finished frying each one and add it to the next one.
After you’ve finished frying the veggies let them rest while making the sauce. Use the same casserole.

2 cans tomatoes, chopped and organic
500 g fresh tomatoes
1 onion
6 garlic cloves
1 red chilli
2 tbsp Italian seasoning, from Kryddhusid
1 tbsp tapioca, stir it with a splash of water
olive oil, for frying
salt and black pepper
Peel and chop onion and garlic. Slice the chilli and coarsely chop the fresh tomatoes.
Fry the onion, garlic and chilli for a bit and then add the fresh tomatoes as well as the canned ones. Stir the tapioca with a splash of water before adding it to the mix. Season with salt, black pepper, the Italian seasoning and thyme. Let the sauce simmer for about 5 minutes. Season to taste.
Add the veggies and beans to the sauce, pot the lid on the casserole and put it in the oven that’s been preheated to 220°C. Bake for half an hour and then let the casserole sit for about 20-30 minutes after you’ve taken it out of the oven.
Best served with rice and/or green salad.
This recipe is sponsored by Kryddhusid and Filippo Berio.
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